I've been trying to help Stu with his Front Suspension woes. Here is the thing. First I'm not a huge fan of a Mustang II type susupension in a Cobra, but if we can get the parts to work GREAT!!! Someone in the past has cut the tapered Barrel springs
....why they did it we do not know.
I am trying to determine what the uninstalled spring height should be. Also if could let us know
what spring rate you are running, and how you like it that would be very helpful. If we do purchase a new set of the tapered barrel Springs I'm currently leaning toward the 500 Lb springs. I am already commited to fabricating a New lower shock mount that will do away with the LOOOOONG shock bolt and spacers. If at time we can get the front end working the way it should, IE the lower arm parallel to the ground and the tie rods ends where they should be, GREAT!!!! If not and I'm thinking about changing the top shock mount from the stud type to a joint type mount, loseing the taper barrel spring and going with a more traditional non tapered coil over set-up to get him on the road. Any help you can offer on this tapered Barrel set up is appriciated.