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Ron - there is a lot of room in the car club. We have 28 cars inside. Its nice to work on a car with a lot of room around it, with nice lighting and heat! And if you get bored, there is a TV and a pool table in the meeting room.
Tru - wings? Buffalo wings?
A two foot diameter cherry tree? Do not tell a lie. That's a BIG tree. When I was a kid, my parents had to cut down my favorite tree that I used as a fort! The willow tree (regular willow, not weeping) was 28 feet around at the base. The stump was about 8 feet in diameter. It had 3 main trunks that separated about 2 feet above ground. See, my memory is perfec ...... .............................
'Liberals are maggots upon the life of this planet and need to get off at the next rotation.' (Jamo 2008)