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Sorry it took so long to respond but had to take a few days off from having fun building the Cobra to play in a golf tourn. @ Castle Hills in Dallas this weekend. Found myself thinking is this a 7 iron or a 9/16". Boy I hate it when fun gets in the way of fun. Thanks Bwana for posting the pictures! It was I in the yellow Sky and took about 200+ pictures. Since I am in the middle of a build (Lone Star Classics) alot of the shots were of what you guys did with your cars so that I could flatter some of you by coping things. I am painting mine the exact same color as the Sky with White stripes. Not traditional but should look awesome and when some guy wants to pick on the little yellow car he may have made a mistake.
See him @ the Dragstrip.
Have fun in Tulsa, I have a 14 yr old that is playing competitive golf in Texas and we spend alot of time doing that. He has a Jr tourn. at Redstone Golf Course in houston that Weekend.
What a great bunch you Cobra people, will miss seeing ya'll again.