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I would say the 4 piston set up is probably enough. I run the 4 piston front and rear, castrol srf, balance bar and 3/4 front master, 13/16 rear master. I have cooked a bunch of fluids and pads to determine this set up. I run PF 01's in front and an r4 porterfield in back. This sytem wil stand up to road america and a high altitude airport track. Huge brake zones at both tracks with 650hp pushing the cobra. I run front ducts.
The PF 01's are the best pad I have found. They only work well when braking really hard and the harder you break the better they work. I also run a bunch of rear brake bias. I keep adding rear brake until the rears lock in a straight line, then back it off a little and don't trail brake.
Good luck,