Sid...Hey!..welcome aboard! You should be getting an email from Mid-Ohio with all their forms, releases, and a safety inspection form in a couple of days. These cover all the mandatory safety items for both you and your car. Some include...dual throttle return springs, no leaks...coolant,
oil, etc, catch can for radiator overflow, recent brake fluid change (within two years), 5 or 6 point harness, roll bar, wheel bearing check, safety wired knockoffs (if equipped), no loose items in trunk, cockpit, or glove box, Snell 200 helmet, or better, adequate brake pads, and several others I can't think of just now.
A word of advice....a Motorcycle helmet is not - repeat not - sufficient for Mid-Ohio's requirements. Your helmet must be SNELL 2000 rated, at least. Most motorcycle helmets do not meet this requirement, but are DOT rated. The Snell Safety standard is pretty uniform for most sanctioning bodies, and fairly standard at most tracks and with event organizers. Here's a link to the Snell Foundation if you'd like more information
Also, take a good look at your wheels. Mid-Ohio requires safety wired knock offs. Their safety inspection form is a self inspection, but you're subject to spot inspections once you're on Mid-Ohio's property.
Hope this helps... Lookin' forward to meeting you...!