Originally Posted by trularin
Fred, did you have to turn your head and cough? Didn't get that far.
Were there armed guards? YES !!! Trey
Did you have to stand before the pope before you got it? No
Come on...what was the criteria. I was thinking of going to Texas to see the new arrival and need to know what I may have to do. I don't do little furry animals.

As I mentioned,it takes about 1/2 hour ,at least.
I spent the first 15 minutes with straight begging.That may or may not have swayed her some.Not too sure.
Next I added in some pleading.Noticed a little softening from her original "No way in He!!.Get away from my car !!!"
And lastly I combined the above with sobbing uncontrollably.
Not too sure if it was disgust and embarassment or worried that the salt from my tears would damage the 500's paint.
In either case it worked.
Kristen did spray some windex in my face and handed me a paper towel before letting step in. I'm guessing she was worried this time about the salt on the leather interior. I think.
I hope this helps. She pretty tough.