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Ohio is actually closest to me. I had a chance to visit them last year while I was traveling through Ohio for business. I took a 2 hour detour to get to them - took a test drive, was instantly hooked - and the 5 hour drive home was all smiles. I have a 99 Vette - and was looking for more! That Cobra test drive (with a 485HP 408sbf) hit me right between the eyes! I'm trading the Vette to them - and I will miss it - it's refined, smooth, and trouble free. But it lacks that sesory overload experience of the Cobra. The smell, the wind, the noise, the thrust - it took me by complete surprise! I really just wanted to test a Cobra to find out if these "kit cars" were just a bunck of rattle traps (as I had heard) but I found the car quite solid - and 100% thrilling. Yea - I got the bug - and futher - this is the first site I check everyday - and several times a day!