This stuff varies from station-to-station. I got into RWC within 30 days of my call. I pleaded if I could use the serial number of the FFR that's pre-stamped from the factory but the guy was going by the book.
Regardless if you've gone through the SB100 process or not, you'll need to go to the DMV with invoices in hand. So get the form and have the VIN applied then go to the next step ( BAR ). In the worst case, you're 6 months ahead of the game for Jan. 2nd 2008.
Make photo copies of it afterwards. I got messed up somewhere in all the paper work and had to have a peace officer re-verify a form because I didn't have a copy of a form I had already submitted.
The whole ordeal drove me up the wall and took 3 months longer than it should have and 3 more trips to the DMV than was necessary. I'm so glad it's over with.
For B&L inspection is another place you should get references from on this site. I went to my local Greenslip and I swear I was going to shoot everyone in there. They wanted a backup lamp, and charged me addtional $20 once I did, to verify the backup lamp!!!!! Never use these guy's. They don't a darn thing about these cars.