Thread: securing carpet
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Old 06-03-2007, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by cameron02
Thanks Peter,

Have you got mats on top of your carpet (to protect the carpet) or do your mats cover the entire floor area?

Hmmm.....stopping water from entering there seems challanging. I wonder if some silicon might do the job? What do you think?

I was also wondered wheter water would come in under the hard top behind the seats where there is a depression between the boot and the rear wheel arch? I was contemplating making a funnel type arrangement to catch the water and divert it out through the floor.
The Marine flutes as Craig (400TT) mentioned work very well.
i.e. they stop water blasting up through the holes in the floor, and any water collecting from above, gets "sucked" out by the wind flowing over the flutes.

I've mucked about with a couple of products from Clark Rubber.....that sounds good doesn't it !??....
The attached photo shows the first attempt, using a high compression rubber simply cut out using a cardboard stencil,
They sit snug under the carpet mats, or can be glued on to the back of the mat.

They feel great under the heels, and stop a lot of noise, as well as water.
They sit flat against the holes in your floor, and lift out to allow for any water to drain and evaporate away.

I've since upgraded this idea slightly, by finding a very similar product in the same rubber store, but the new stuff also has reflective insulation on one side, which does everything the old stuff did, but keeps ALL the radiated heat away from below.

Gotta LOVE the Rubber store...I've found heaps of good stuff there apart from the mats, and door seals, boot seals, trimming edges etc. etc.

Hope this helps,
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