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Old 06-04-2007, 04:15 PM
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Michael4yah Michael4yah is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: La Habra Ca., Ca
Cobra Make, Engine: Hi Tech Cobra Contemporary Cobra
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Naumoff. Glad you chimed in. Huge coincidence!! I was just looking at your photo gallery and was wondering, did they ever find out what the fastback Falcon was all about?

Say are you in touch with Lee Holman? Ive exchanged emails with him a couple of times on parts he had on ebay . Ive been trying to find a high rise weber manifold and havnt had any luck as yet. If you are in contact with Lee please ask him if he has one and if he would sell it . If not then maybe he'd rent it so I can make a copy. Id even settle for some blueprints and engineering. Thanks.

Cobras are small, no doubt there, I own 2 of them and Im constantly thinking of how to make em safer. About a year ago I turned down a chance to get an NOS Cobra fuel tank for 400.00 because I decided on a fuel safe. But I have to admit the purist in me usually stops any real attempts at change especially on one of my cars the Hi Tech. Its the last of 9 Alum bodied Hi Tech Cobras that were ever built . The other is a custom build Contemporary chassis with a BBC. M22. Jag RE. Both are a work in progress.

Mass isnt exactly the same thing as size. Density is probably a better way of putting it. Stamped Sheetmetal I beams are nothing compared to tubular steel given the right design. For instance a few years ago in Texas a 400 lb wild pig completely destroyed a new 5000 lb. Ford 150 pick up and put three people in the hospital!! It was a friend whos daughter needed multiple operations to fix her legs. You are right about Cobras being vulnerable in the door/ side area but all he needs to do is use Butlers design on the door beam and this thing is a tank. About the only thing that helps Cobra owners in a Tbone situation is the floor bracing and/or the fact that the door area is so close to the cowl hoop and the rear end framing. As long as the opposing car's bumper isnt high like a pick up or a 57 Chevy that was turned into a straight axle gasser he'l have a chance at survival. This is one reason I woudnt want to drop the floor without some additonal support, It just puts it that much lower than the opposing bumper. One thing for sure, in this build with a front end collision the trans wont be going anywhere important!!
'"An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There
is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not to the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death."' Patrick Henry.

Last edited by Michael4yah; 06-04-2007 at 04:31 PM..
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