Originally Posted by Cobrabill
It's not the sytems"job" to protect people from themselves.
You just put a "spin" on saying you have no problem with big brother reaching further into our lives where "he" has no business being.
A perfect example would be requiring "screens" on side pipes.Fing ridculous.
Perhaps I need to spell it out a little further...
there are some people who really should not be assembling vehicles that share the road with the rest of us (I've seen bodies held on with lag bolts to the "frame" and some other horrors on some crafty assemblies) this kind of craftiness has 2 potential problems for the rest of us:
1.) They can lose control or have a failure and affect our ability to safely travel on the same streets.
2.) They can lose control or have a failure and not only affect our ability to find companies willing to insure these vehicles but also call the wrong attention to really get your "big brother" involved and eliminate the class entirely.