wow.... about 4 pages since I was gone....
got back home this afternoon and promptly took a nap.
have 33 emails. that's a lot, for me.
wading thru it all.
Our front yard needs to be baled!!
D didn't mow it before we left and now it's even worse! I think D and the boys and adopted boy neighbor are to start on it in the morning. lucky them!
I'll deal with all the mess Sparkle made while we were gone. She has sufficiently destroyed the den sofa, but oh well. She absolutely took out a chunk of fabric, foam, and stuffing.
bad dog!!! about 12" square.
am getting excited about Tulsa, in 10 days or so.
Am going to do the road course for 2 days, and not do the dragstrip at all.
Love the road course!
Sea World was nice. Glad that #4 could enjoy it, and hopefully remember it. The last two times we went she saw it from the stroller, frequently napping, and I was adamant this trip was for her. Probably our 'last' Sea World trip for a long time. Cannot remember how many times we've been! would have to go look at scrapbooks.
We spent two days at Mason, our 'deer' place in central texas. The wildflowers were beautiful! wow! we've never seen them like that. Blackeyed Susans galore, and all kinds of beautiful scenery. Watched a huge storm roll in, and we just stayed inside and played "Clue" and Yahtzee.

fun to play games with the family.
gotta go.
i'll be back later.
oh, Flip, yeah, we got VERY wet sitting up close to Shamu!

that's the fun of it!!!!
