I just had a good look at the Nats photos from last year and all I can say is good luck finding a car with 50mm clearance between helmet and roll bar top. I sit very low in my car based on a Cobra Race Seat and NO runners and I doubt I would be compliant. Maybe, but even so then my car in rego'd form would be classed as "unroadworthy" as my seat no longer has runners which is an ADR requirement.
The deeper we dig the uglier it gets....
Wazza, the thought of you in a nappy and race suit with bare feet does not paint a pretty picture....
Funny you mentioned my beautiful GF as she did say to me once for a man with such a large personality you seem to present quite unimpressively in the sugar daddy department! It must have been a VERY COLD morning!
She is considering the idea of joining us all.... Beats cuddling up to Scotty!
And perhaps the noises coming from my room will be far more pleasant than thso ereverburating like last year! Yeee HAaaaaa
Wazza, on a serious not perhaps we best get this sorted so we all know the real extent of the issue?
SpookyP tttt