Thread: Ford V Chev
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Old 06-06-2007, 09:48 PM
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Default The first casualty of war...

The first casualty of war is the truth.

The cobra market in Australia is too small to sustain an argument that either engine brand equates to superior return on investment.

Generally the best you can hope for is that you'll get back what you have in it if you built it yourself.

Sad and delusional arguments like this:
My point here is, that MY Body/Chassis didn't come from Ford, didn't go near a Ford factory ...blah blah blah
do not withstand much scrutiny.

Clearly, were it not for the adoption by Ford of the AC body there wouldn't be anywhere near the interest in this body shape with v8 tucked in.

(stand by for the whole - oh yeah but it was Shelby and he was going to us a chev routine - pfft)

The chev crowd do have options, they could build Cheetahs - or as an alternative stick their engines in other english sports cars like Austin Healys or D or E-type replicas - or even go for a corvette - but don't.

There's nothing quite so mythical with a chev badge on it is there?

And all of this is very remote from the Daytona (replica's).

For replica cars it is a matter of compomise - for some using anything other than a 427SO is a bridge too far (you out there excalibur?), for other it has to be an FE - most of us here in Oz have to content ourselves with an SBF (and frankly are quite happy too).

Where brand alegances lie putting a chev in ford is a bridge too far.

Everyone I know that has gay relatives loves them dearly, hopes they're happy and secretly wishes they were normal.

And it certainly adds a bit of colour to family get-togethers (Nationals/Shelby Fest)
Also the opportunity for some good natured one-upmanship (so to speak )

Good luck with your lifestyle choice Stiffy.
(and since your cobra has a SBF does this make you a switch hitter?)


Last edited by LoBelly; 06-06-2007 at 09:55 PM..
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