Originally Posted by geeman.6
Clois, Randy or anybody with a love for Cobras in the Tulsa area,
I'll try to make the Monday affair @ Steak & Shake. I'd like to get this club deal rolling. We can talk more then. I am not the best organizer but I do have a lot of time to do the leg work (retired). The best way to start is with a list of all that have an interest in joining and to get together at some kind of gathering like Steak & Shake to find out what everybody expects from this and to put a face on a name.
Anyone interested or if you already have an up to date list can contact me at ( waykoe@cox.net ) Lets get this thing rolling. Randy what will you be driving monday night? Clois I already know what you drive. We met a couple of years back.
Sounds like a plan, Wayne.
I agree, we can talk about it Monday night, looking forward to it. I only wish my Cobra was finished, my plan was to have it finished this month, but sometimes "life gets in the way".
I'm hoping to have it done real soon.
I'll be driving a yellow Saturn Sky, not many on the road right now so I'm pretty sure it'll stand out in the crowd.