Originally Posted by mrmustang
Any DMV office will assist you with the collectors registration, when you walk in and get the forms all you need to tell them is "out of state title, collectors registration". Fill out the forms, cut your check to cover taxes and MV fees, then you are off to the state inspection station of your choice. I suggest Wayne seeing you are so close to it. They wll only check your mileage and may make you drive around the building to prove your odometer is operating and that is it. You don't even have to switch insurance for now.
Bill S.
Just to clarify one thing Bill said. Although you don't need to change your insurance policy now, you will have change to the limited mileage collector insurrance before you go to the DMV inspection station because, in addition to checking that the odometer works, they will ask to see the copy of the limited mileage collector insurance policy.