I headed out at 10:AM from the North Shore via 25A with the sun peeking out and got as far as Smithtown where it started to drizzle a bit. It was looking ominous further east so I did a Huey and pulled into a gas stop, dialed Tony A. to learn that the ride was off...oh well...I guess I should check email early next time.
I'm good for the 23rd as of now and the Bear Mtn. run sounds great. I remember doing a Bear Mtn. ride with another car club a few years ago and someone had brought a grill, broke out the dogs and burgers, a couple of coolers, and it was also a nice place for hiking. The parking areas get full quickly and a photo op there could be a problem. It could be a good place to rendezvouz with upstate and NJ cobras as Jim says