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Well I guess it's my turn!
Austin is a great city and I agree with Mr. Morris on all his points, as I was not very happy trying to find a parking place for my trailer and driving in all that construction. The poker run made up for most of that! Now that's the past, let's learn from it!
Having an annual event in Austin would be ok, if there were other
events planned through out the state and everyone attended! We orginially set this up to do Austin in the Spring, then two or three other events; i.e. Dallas, Houston and one other - Corpus or ? The problem is it seems everyone comes out for only one, the Spring event!
If this is the way it is going to be - then I vote to move it around, throughout the state. There are a lot of neat areas and putting some road course or drags in, would also be fun! Where ever we go, let's think about the following:
. Fun place with great cruising
. Special Events - Cruise, car show, drags, road course, other!
. Hotels should be near the event
. Lot's of room for trailers
. Secured parking for non-trailered cars (covered would be great)
. Flexibility in the schedule, you pick what you want to do
. Stay out of the resturants (sit down meals) as a big groups, like
this, either have to split up or do more Fast Food.
. Make it affordable as the disposal income - really very's here!
Last edited by gsharapa; 08-04-2001 at 07:22 AM..