I think you missed the point here. I was reffering to ORIGINAL FORD GT PLANS. These plans are already in the hands of several people that use them to reproduce the car. Some have used them to produce replica spaceframes and other type hybrids. That's fine with me.
Almost all replicas share similar dimensions in one place or another. Every replica builder does something he feels is better. That I like. But when it comes down to it they all had some form of measure that came from the original plans. You yourself told me your suspension geometry came from the original and you had these in CAD.
Fran, I said that only about 2/10ths of one percent would build from these plans. I seriously doubt it would be that high. There are model companies that would most likely use these.
I don't need to copy RF plans. I can do the same as any and all other replica manufacturers have done if I so choose. I look forward to the first case where some replica maker sues another for IP. What a field day that would be. If you have IP then you better have copyrights and or patents to back it up. If you do then you got no worries.
Is there a copyright on the original plans? Did all that use these plans pay for that right to the party or parties that own these rights.
There are several companies that reproduce orignal GT parts today. Did they have permission to reproduce these parts for resale?
I have copies of the original Model A Ford. Do you think there's a difference here. Will Ford or Shea come after me if I decide to make them? Does
Brookline need to worry about being shut down for making 32 Ford steel roadters? Maybe they knew the secret handshake and got permission. My guess is no. They just did it.
Fran, it is fair to say that you have a going concern that does very well and you should be proud of that. I wish you the best and I doubt that anyone will want to reproduce your cars.