Warren, do you remember when I posted a note to you on the CACC forum to keep an eye on the connector plug to the left (driver's side) of the radiator that is the hot feed to the fans? On my car that plug was put together as correctly as it could be put but it still had an intermittent fault so my fans would sometimes come on and sometimes not. It finally culminated in my engine overheating and throwing up all over the garage floor. Before you go to any extravagant remedies, double check that connection; it’s always possible there was a batch of faulty ones that got through the ERA QA tests. Do this: With the engine off, throw the fan bypass switch on the dash so your fans are running, then wiggle the connections that are just to the left of the top of the radiator almost under the fender well. If you can get any sort of interruption in the fans by doing this wiggle test then you’ve found the problem. Instead of replacing the connector I just cut and soldered around them. Even with my stroked and bored FE, I run at 85-90 Celsius on 95+ degree days - even in stop and go traffic. Usually closer to the 85 mark, and that’s for both
oil and water.