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Who sells McLeod clutches locally
I did it again.After working w/carbs I deceided to drive the car to the car wash.The throw out bearing froze,scarring the Crap out of me.I nursed it home .Upon diiassembly it was descovered that the fingers of the pressure plate were damaged,Disk was thin also.I need a McLeod 11 1/2" clutch and pressure plate #SFR0171.The McLeod web site has a lot of pages not responding.Schucks sells Centerforce,and they offer an 11".I would also like to mention the Wednesday school at SIR that I've paid for and isn't refundable. Who sells McLEOD clutches locally? I'll see about getting my used stuff rebuilt later . HELP PLEASE
Mike H
Last edited by Michael C Henry; 08-04-2001 at 07:46 PM..