Originally Posted by hey,littlecobra
how was the driving school for Josh??
Peter is at soccer camp right now. He gets home this evening, and then both boys leave for scout camp on Sunday. 
Josh barely got any sleep the night before the school,he was really excited about doing a driving school.
When he showed up at TMS at 7:15 am,it was just him and the guard.
I sure recommend this school to ALL teenagers.Before they develope bad driving habits would be best.
They have the same school for adults too.
It is all about learning how to handle a car in bad & emergency conditions/situations.
Here is what the sessions are :
Skid Pad
Off Road Recovery
Quick Lane Change
ABS Braking
ABS Braking & Turning
Tailgating Awareness
Slalom Course
Then they wrapup the 1st day by putting it all together with a Autocross Course.
Don Barnes was Josh's Instuctor.
Don has now been the driving instuctor for three generations of us.
Josh has commented several times since the school that he has found "HIS Sport".
"Sign me up for any and all Driving Schools".