Thread: Thanks OCC!
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Old 06-24-2007, 05:20 PM
Dirty Harry Dirty Harry is offline
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Default Thanks OCC!

Again this year, you guys were great. Clearly, the event takes a huge amount of work. Don't think, however, that others don't notice and appreciate all your labor. On the way home, I stopped in Dayton to gas up and a group of people gathered around the car to ask questions and take pictures. I summarized the weekend's activities and mentioned that one of the primary goals was to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis research. A man stepped forward and shoved a $20 bill in my hand and said he wanted to be a part of the effort too. (Yes, I'll put it in the mail.) So, as you can see, it's more than a lot of self-indulgent fun for us adults. Perfect strangers applaud your efforts too.

I'll be the first to say it for next year. We all need to help out the OCC guys and take a shift on the charity ride work crew or sell tickets or work in the registration tent or find some other way to help out. These guys work for a year to prepare the show and then never get to enjoy it themselves because they're too busy working. something to think about...

Thanks again, everyone! I had a great time.
When I said I wanted to be somebody, I probably should have been more specific...
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