TC---I have SPF #770, and have owned it from new now almost seven years. I have installed a 3qt Accusump on my stroked 351W not so much for pre-oiling, but to cover me in track events.
I took some in-car video during one of Olthoff Racing's Virginia International Raceway events about 5 years ago. I sent the raw video to Olthoff's to be used in a DVD they were making of the event. As Dave was watching the raw video he noticed my
oil pressure was dropping to 10 psi, or less, in Oak Tree and Carousel turns. He pointed it out and said I ought to investiate an Accusump installation as well as an
oil pan with better baffling. After some more discussions with Dennis Olthoff, I chose the 3qt Accusump system, with electric valve and one of Canton's "trap door" baffled 7 qt
oil pans.
The electric valve comes on automatically whenever I turn on the ignition. This causes trapped oil in the Accusump to be forced into the clean oil input of the Canton remote adapter it's just like the oil pickup has suddenly been immersed in more oil, and all internal oil galleries get evenly pressurized. The electric valve senses low oil pressure on the engine side and opens to let the oil accummulated in the Accusump be forced into the oil galleries. Once the engine oil pressure returns, the valve senses low pressure on the tank side of the valve and opens another valve to allow oil to pressurize the cannister. Once the oil pressure is equalized on both sides of the valve, the valve closes and waits for an oil pressure drop on either side of it again. It's pretty simple and works great.
The Canton baffled pan is another step to keep the oil pooled around the oil pickup. There are a series of four doors that are hinged to keep the oil in a small diamond shaped box around the oil pickup. The doors all hinge inward toward the pick up to allow oil into the box, but will not swing outward. Once the oil is in the box structure, it's picked up by the oil pump pickup.
Either one of these devices is better than nothing, but both together are about as good as we're gonna get it without going to a full dry-sump system. Those are available, but not cheap, and the plumbing and oil tank presents another level of least in my opinion.
The choice is yours...but if you're primarily interested in pre-oiling, then an Accusump unit is the way to go.
Hope this helps, brother... I've had lots of experience with my SPF in six and a half years of ownership. I'd do it all over again...! I'm a very "gruntled" owner..