Steve - that's a simple one. Here is a formula from my weight reduction program:
=IF(F28=0,"",IF($I$29>0,+VLOOKUP($I$28,$V$14:$W$26 ,2),+VLOOKUP($I$28,$V$32:$W$44,2)))
Tru - there are many silver dragons with black stripes, including mine. Glad to see you out and about. Too much writing destroys the mind. Did you take a blast down Main St?
Too much work today - planting more annuals, weeded all the flower and veggie beds, new layer of mulch, washed my daily driver and
oil change & grease job ... added some Freon to get AC working. Shopped for clothes, did some food shopping, took a 3 hour ride in the Cobra, cooked dinner (pasta and stuffed red peppers), trimmed my Japanese maple.
I also had to practice my short burnouts in a deserted parking lot. Got to get ready for the parade Wednesday. It will be the 96th annual parade in my section of town. Gee, if I did any more today I'd feel like Kristen ....
You can call me "Speed Limit" on Saturday.