Originally Posted by richsd
---Not only is it from an original car but includes the vin stamped latch hardware from CSX3342. The best thing for this particular part would be to sell it to the owner of 3342 and I think it would easily bring $1200.
Originally Posted by computerworks
Car-specific items, like those serialized latches...should only go to the rightful owner of that s/n. Any other location will only result in bad karma for the new latch owner.
Most of those prices were really 'nutso'... it reflects the current trends, though.
Rare, original parts belong with the rare original cars.
Having generic 60's vintage stuff on a replica is cool (I should know...  ), but...
...it only adds to the fantasy, but does not bestow any particular DNA on the replica.
I don't think that whether or not CSX3342 has its original latches affects its collector value, possible sale. It's an original car, and whether it has reproduction latches, seats, engine, tranny, wheels, windshield, gauges, battery, etc will affect its value much. If CSX3342 is all original except for its latches, then they may be of value for $1200 to the owner, but I wouldn't be surprised if the owner doesn;t care.