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Old 08-07-2001, 07:11 PM
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Cobra Make, Engine: What Cobra?
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Default This is good!

This is good, really really good. Almost 1700 reads and no one is calling names, and everyone having an intelligent discussion. We must be behaving because Brent hasn't come in here and told us to "knock it off".

Let's see if we can keep it on the higher ground.
Some thoughts.

I frankly DON't get it!
You seem to be as passionate about this subject as anyone out there. Length of your posts will attest to it. It is not like you don't care.
Then you make a statement like, "the world would not come to cataclysmic end and life would go on for all of us even if that did happen. We would all eventually get over it (I think)."

That's hardly any reason to be indifferent about this matter.There are many events that don't bring about the end of the world, but many of us feel very strongly about them. I for one can't accept the fact that the world won't come to an end as my reason why not to care and not to dwell on this.

For many manufacturers the world would indeed come to an end.
I got mine, you got yours, I suppose we should move on.
For the 18-19-20 and up year old guys and gals who dream of having a car like yours and mine, indeed their Cobra dreams would come to an end.

You are not suggesting that if SPF stopped calling their cars "Cobras" and referred to them as Replica Cobras, this whole matter would be put to rest? Are you?
I doubt it. This is for keeps, not for some silly infringement.

Do you honestly think, if all manufacturers refrained from the use of the emblem, and made it very clear that theirs is a replica and not a real Cobra since NO REAL Cobras were manufactured for some 30 plus years... that Shelby would go away, and this matter would be put to rest.?

Get real! What did not bother the man for 30 years, all of a sudden is serious offense.
Why now? All the merits of the case were there for 30 years. Why look the other way for that long, and now it is the END OF THE WORLD.

What changed? Enter Venture. Someone blew smoke up someone's rear and convinced the money people if they do this and do that and invest a hefty sum they could sell zillion cars.
Didn't happen. Their business model was flawed. Series 1 did not fare any better either.

All there is left to do is to give it one more try. This time legally. They may win. I am not as confident as others on this board that the courts will rule in favor of the defendants.

What I do know for sure is my experience in the car business. If every replica manufacturer packed up and went away, and SAI was the only manufacturer out there the hobby the interest the rallies, Spring Flings, Run and Guns would die as well.
No more Enzo, no more Club Cobra, no more spare parts for those still stuck with one of these cars How is all this good for anyone?

You might think it is good for SAI. I would venture to guess, if everything I spelled out above was to happen I would kiss you &^*% if SAI sold 30 more cars a year. Not because the ERA owners SPF owners could not afford them. It would be due to lack of interest, due to ill will that would be around for years to come.

How does one convince SAI that they are better off with all the rest than they are all alone. If they were to become the only show in town, it would be curtains for them as well.

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