I have read, and re-read most of the posts on this thread, and I feel I have to make some amendments. Firstly, it was not my intention to lump "check writers" together as a whole. Rather, it has simply been my experience that most of these a$$holes that I have encountered, HAPPEN to also be check writers. It was not my intent to convey the thought that being a "check writer" automatically imbues one with the characteristic of a$$hole as well. That is simply not the case.
Personally, I feel that if one is a decent enough person, AND has the ability to cut the check as well, more power to them. I only intended to convey the concept of being a "check writer" as merely potentially contributory, rather than causal in nature.
Myself...well, I rarely 'cut the check', I typically travel alone as opposed to being in packs, I appreciate cars in whatever form they come in, and I acknowledge the fact that I pretty much know diddly-squat about most anything...actually, I'm beginning to lower my standards to the point that as long as I leave the house with pants on, it's going to be a pretty good day.
(but I'm still an a$$hole...ask my father...or Norain, for that matter!)