Thread: Kirkham on eBay
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:06 AM
rsimoes rsimoes is offline
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You guys amaze me. I can't believe how quickly you found it.

Let me clarify a few things:

First, the car is NOT for sale unless my reserve is met. Unlike before, this is NOT deal time. The reserve is exactly, down to the penny, what I put into the car. The advantage is that you can have one today and with the registration frustration behind you and the bugs worked out of it. Buy it today, drive it today. (of course these types of cars always require tinkering, but everything I have found and the Kirkhams have found, has been addressed.)

Why am I considering this? I think Jamo may have been right, I think Cobra's while a high school dream, may not be for me anymore. (would have killed me in High School) Perhaps I am more of a Corvette guy. (modern performance with A/C) Who knows. I will always love Cobras and what they stood for. Perhaps, one day I can have an original on a turn table in my living room, lottery pending.

I can tell you this. It is a AWESOME Cobra, the best! It truly has a show car finish on it, the pictures do not do it justice. (not trying to be cocky)

However, chances are, this car is not going anywhere and I will just keep it and not drive it as much as I had anticipated. Like Robert Redford said, "everything is for sale". . .

Last edited by rsimoes; 07-09-2007 at 03:04 PM..
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