Originally Posted by Wayne Maybury
Bill, great story. It is also great that you took the high road. It is interesting that you were driving an original and they didn't have a clue what they were looking at. Fortunately, these guys are the minority. I would pay to drive into a gas station if there was an original Cobra there.
When I brought the Cobra back to my friends home I told him what happened. All he did was laugh, as he is constantly being asked "who's kit is that". His response has always been "Shelby's" and leaves the people who ask to wonder about his response. Having owned the car for a long time, purchasing it when it was (his own words) "not as valuable as it is today", he enjoys all interaction with his fellow car enthusiasts. Not quite sure how he would have handled the same experience as I've seen his temper flare at other venues. All I can say is, it would have been real interesting
Bill S.