well whaddya know. I didn't know FFR's had round tubes, or that they drank Kool-aid or wore brown shirts????
Had to go to the FFR website to find out what kind of frames they had.
Is their butt considered 'perky'???
I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm probably the last to the party....
I didn't know WHICH manufacturer he was referring to in his initial post.
Now we all know, I guess. I figured it was some high and mighty SPF owners!!!
or maybe CSX continuation.....
ya'll take everything SO SERIOUSLY!!
I'm probably a dipweed redneck mama to Uncle Bill, and he's well you know, the AUTHORITY on all things Cobra, but I didn't think his post was that bad.
go take a little drive this evening! it's summertime and the frogs are croakin' and the crickets are chirpin' and the sun is shinin'.
have fun in ALL THOSE REPLICA'S!!!
southern belle dipweed goddess