Well the weather appears to be getting back to normal. Here's my suggestion for our July meet. Let's meet just before 10 AM at McDonald/s on Hwy 71 just south of the FM 620 intersection & Hwy 71 in Bee Cave. Be gassed up and ready at 10 AM to roll on to Driftwood via Hamilton Pool Rd and down FM 12 through Dripping Springs and south on to Driftwood. We can return on FM 1826 up to Hwy 290 and on to Hwy 71 north back to Bee Cave. Round trip should be about 100 miles or so. That's my best guess. Plan on lunch at the Salt Lick. I think we can beat some of the crowd by getting there before noon. I need to state we have not driven this route in a Cobra or know what the roads will be like but we did hear on the news that Wimberley was not hit like Marble Falls and there were no road closures, etc. in that direction. I’ve heard that the BBQ is good, so let’s check it out.
Restaurant map location -
Their website -
If anyone has another suggestion, we're open to make a change.