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No one should beat you up on this one.
IMHO having almost been where you are now. I had an ERA on order and was going to begin the process of getting parts and build going. Then the wife said - you have 2 boys that need your time, go buy one. Took my me 2 seconds to do that.
While not the car I would have built, it is a damm good car and I am not sure that my enjoyment would have changed much with what I would have built instead of what I got.
My thought for you: Sell what you got going and purchase one that is ready to go. Be prepared NOT to get what you have into it. But also be prepared to not have to pay what you have into it for a good completed car. You will be in about the same spot money wise. You should be able to sell without a middleman involved.
just my 2c worth.