I brought the pups home this morning and they are doing well except Sweetheart has a bladder infection and has to take antibiotics for it. Ken said this was not all that uncommon in really young female dogs and I have to take her back in two weeks for him to check her. I hope that it clears up as Sherry had to take medicine for a good part of her life for a bladder infection, but she had hers after surgery to remove some stones and it was one that if you didn't keep it down would flare up every month or so. Something about the type of stones and that they could reform and by testing for the infection he could see if they were starting, so he said it would just be better the last time we got it cleared to keep her on the medicine and not have to worry about it.
This is not desert here. I live in the foothills of the mountains. The real desert starts several miles from here. And 115 to 120 degree temperatures have never been that unusual for here, but normally just for a few days.