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Old 07-11-2007, 12:28 PM
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Yetiman Yetiman is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: SE Wisconsin, Wi
Cobra Make, Engine: Arntz/SBC/Jag
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Consider this... thats already more then 17 times the number of members here than there were "real Original" Cobra's built.

But then I'm sure a number of people have joined more than once if they couldn't remember their user name or P-word or their email changed or they simply wanted a new user name.

Still pretty impressive.

BUT, I would say of the people I meet in my area with Cobra replica's (like a dozen or so) maybe a third haven't been here.

Of the original Cobra owners (and there are a number of them) only one or two have been here, and thats only after they have been alerted to discussions about their car.

We come into this world naked, screaming, and covered in blood. With dedication and a little planning, you can go out the same way.

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