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Old 07-11-2007, 03:04 PM
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I'd have to say that I'm in agreement with Xlr8or. AB619 does seem to be a good first step, and will hopefully entice those who've side-stepped the legal process to register their cars.

I don't necessarily feel the need to "reward" the law-breakers with automatic SB100 exemption. However, this brings us to the problem, if the newly-repentant are not given the exemption, they'll all likely be in line on the first of Jan '08, adding additional competition for the already very limited SB100 #s, and effectively punishing all those who've patiently been waiting for the oportunity to register legally.

I'm open to ideas, but adding further competition for those few #s would be unfair the rest of us law abiding, citizens
Ron R

"Dishwasher? I thought that was for cleaning parts!?"

Last edited by Igofastr; 07-11-2007 at 03:13 PM..
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