"All gave some, some gave all"...and some give all every day of their lives. This post is going to be long but if you are too apathetic to read it then so be it.
Operation Comfort
www.operationcomfort.org has started a new program named "Automotivation" which involves using automotive projects for therapy and rehabilitative purposes. Brooks Army Medical Center (BAMC) is the utmost in care for severly injured soldiers and this program is being conducted outside of the facility in San Antonio.
On Wednesday, I met with many of the soldiers involved in this and realized that every American car enthusiast should participate in an effort to help out these heroic individuals. They come from "everytown" USA and their sacrifices will continue every day for the rest of their lives. Sacrifices that go far beyond political stances or every day issues.
These brave soldiers work daily on automative projects to increase their recovery. At present they are rebuilding a 1984 Ford Bronco into a dream car to be displayed at an upcoming SEMA show. They also have had a 1927 model "T" that they will be building into a street rod. In two weeks they will receive a 1969 Mercury Marauder and a motor home for their transportation.
THEY ARE DOING THIS WITH LITTLE OR NO TOOLS, PARTS OR MONITARY HELP. To see these heroes work with their handicaps breaks my heart. They do not want your sympathy or pitty but would like some help.
I am asking....no I am begging for the following things to happen.
Go to Sears and buy a gift card and send it to them so that We can furnish them the tools to help. I have their wish list and am in contact with Sears for their help.
Write a check to help this amazing organization to continue its work.
Create a link to this on every forum that you visit. get more people involved.
Talk to every car club and organization the you are affiliated with to see if they will participate.
Talk to the suppiers that you deal with and make them aware of this program.
Talk to any companies that you do business with and see if they will help.
If you have any contacts in publishing or magazines, try to get them involved.
Try anything you can think of to help these heroes improve their lives...because they tried to improve yours.
I am going to try and get every organization that I can think of to participate and have been successful with some already. There is SO MANY THINGS that they need or can use. I am finalizing a wish list and will post it as soon as I can.
Their address is
c/o Operation Comfort
4900 Broadway, suite 400
San Antonio, Texas 78212
phone 210-826-0500
web site
Thank you for you help and caring. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then these photos will leave you speechless. Thanks Ron (computerworks) for posting them.
If you have any questions my phone is 972-742-2594 and my email is
jdcobra427@sbcglobal.net. I am into this 24/7.
God Bless our American soldiers.