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Old 07-13-2007, 11:58 AM
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Default Package like Tire Rack

I've bought a few wheel/tire combos from Tire Rack. They simply take two cardboard disks a bit smaller in diameter than the tires, place one on each side of the wheel/tire and tape them around in three places. In other words, tape the wheel "in thirds". Use good strong tape, either packing or strapping tape and overlap each course of tape so that it goes all the way around the wheel. The tire circumference (tread surface) has tape on it in the three areas where the tape has crossed it, but is otherwise unprotected. I've both shipped and received wheel/tire combos like this with no problems. Your biggest problem might be to find the cardboard disks, but a UPS or other packing store might have them. Fortunately for me, I received mine from Tire Rack before needing to ship any, so had some disks on hand.

Also, if you have the option to ship them from your employer's shipping room, the rates will be substantially less than if you take them to a local UPS store. From my experience, nearly half!

Good luck!

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