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Old 07-15-2007, 09:16 PM
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Default Rod bolt question

The bottom end on my 351 Cleveland is low time and in really good shape. While it's out of the car and on the engine stand, I'd like to upgrade it's weak point, which is the stock rod bolts. Is there any possible way to upgrade the rod bolts without disassembling the whole engine? I can easily reach all of them with the oil pan off on the engine stand. I've had some tell me that to replace the bolts I have to have the big ends of the rods resized afterward, and some tell me that's not needed. If I take the rod/piston assemblies from the block, I might as well just rebuild the entire lower end, which I don't want to do. Anyone have any ideas or input on this? My choices are really to replace the rod bolts without disassembling the engine, or leave them as is. Rebuild is not an option - at least not just to replace the rod bolts.
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