Originally Posted by Snake Psychosis
I think the question that's been rattling around in my noggin, and probably should be asked for everyone here...is what would be the projected date when either your website is completed with parts, options, and prices, or at least some sort of mail-out brochure, catalog, handout, pamphlet,
Tim, I apologize for not responding on the forum sooner, although I know we have discussed this on the phone previously.
We do have a brochure which details the Base package components and pricing. I mailed one to you a couple of weeks ago. Please let me know if you have not received it and I will make sure to get another one out to you.
As for the options and related pricing on our website, we are diligently working on compiling an online catalog/quote system. We do have several items updated, and the catalog can be accessed via:
Please keep in mind, this is a work in progress, so we do offer more than what you see there, and there is still some information missing for some of the items that are there.
That being said, if anyone is looking for pricing/availability information on a particular item that has not been updated yet, please feel free to contact me and we will give you the information you are looking for.
Of course we will keep the community updated as we make progress.
As always, thank you for your interest, and I do look forward to speaking with you again soon.