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Hi Guys,
Finally found where to post a new introduction. I purchased a Back Draft Racing #334 last October from Vintage Motor Sports . It is titanium w/ black stripes , 351 W from DCE. 17" wheels and a few other options. I belong to the Capital Area Cobra Club and regulary attend the Sat morn grease ups at the Vienna Inn. I have never seen a bunch of guys more willing to assist a fellow owner with advice or bring it by my house and we will put it up on the lift to take a look.
Last Saturday we had over 25 cars there and more attendees than any time this year. Maybe it was the free chilli dogs and brew. I'm happy to be a part of CACC and now the larger Cobra family. Next week I visit an acquaintenace and I hope to be able to drive his original (not a continuation car ).I'm also looking at a GT-40 and am just in the preliminary investigative stage.Will post anything that I find interesting.