Not Ranked
Ok, I'm calmed down again! I appologize if I seemed to be attacking anyone in my previous post. For those of you who contributed, that's great! For those of you who have not but plan to, super! For those who won't, well, that's fine too!
I think I may have mislead everyone into thinking the contribution was the main point. I think the reason that Jay, myself, and others would be so upset about the thread is that, with the number of times the thread was read compared to the number of posts, it would APPEAR that there aren't many who care to recognize the soldiers.
Speaking from personal experience, these soldiers absolutely do not want your pity. They only want your support! I can not tell you how many times in a month that I hear a soldier say something about "the people in the states don't support the war or us." or "why should we be the only ones fighting for our freedom." There is so much disagreement about this war that the military blatantly feels unrecognized for what they do!
I was stationed in Oklahoma City for 4 years, you guys in the southwest have HUGE hearts! In my entire military career, I had never been thanked for what I was doing until I got to Oklahoma. I would shake peoples hands regularly! Even had several times when I'd be out to dinner with my family or lunch with a crowd of military guys/gals, ask for the check and the waitress would say it was taken care of. I'm talking over $100 checks sometimes! If you've ever done this and just left the resturaunt, we thank you!
Anyways, what I'm trying to get at, when you are recognized for what you are doing... It makes you feel like it is worth it!
Thank you to all who have expressed your appreciation!
 Bagram AF Afghanistan
Last edited by fsstnotch; 07-18-2007 at 03:32 AM..