G'day All
As it says I've got that same video'ed grin
Mike had when he started his car.
Haven't got some footage to show yet, will need to work on that but the car runs - woo hoo!!!
Had a little coolant accident
so once that's fixed, I can have another go but otherwise all is very good in my little shed.
Did also manage to measure the noise output at about all the right settings. So how does one loose 3 - 4 dB to make it to the magic 90?
I've already had thoughts of something inside the exhaust pipe prior to the mufflers at the rear. Would that do and what do I need?
Seems my on/off issue was computer related in that the flashed program didn't stick first time. And with no security enabled in the AU box now my non-ford ignition works a treat.
Will work on that footage in the near future.