Now, THIS IS WHY WE HAVE BEEN SO CAREFUL ALL ALONG!!! See the needle bearings in the back of the input shaft? They like to play Hide-and-Seek with you. Usually they end up in the pile of shavings (that you STILL haven't cleaned up) or even better yet--THEY LIKE TO DISAPPEAR INTO THE TRANSMISSION as you are pulling the shaft out. Then you get to go fishing with a magnet for an hour until you get frustrated and take the top off of the transmission to find that last lost bearing!
WHEN YOU GET THE INPUT SHAFT FINALLY OUT, TAKE THE NEEDLE BEARINGS OUT AND PLACE THEM IN A CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN, PLACE; LIKE A NEW PAPER TOWEL--we will be using them again. (See, the "Presto con Fuoco" is looking easier all the time