Rob, I think your biggest problem is the lack of baffles. You just need to weld some bosses under the top of the cover below the holes and tack on some splash plates.
Mike...if you think about the
oil separation tank (what most folks call a puke tank) you'll note that there's a pretty good sized air chamber in there...going to hold a good deal of gas for the moment or two one sits in traffic, and then it gets sucked out the minute some airflow creates the vacuum down below.
Now, that being said, I really don't plan on putting a 100,000 miles on the damn thing, though the oils and gas we use today are a far cry from the crud used back in the 50s and 60s, so it may very well do fine in getting there if I don't grenade the sumb!tch before then. I don't drive it in stop and go every day. I do drive it for hundreds of miles on freeways and through the Sierras at as much speed as I can get away with as often as possible.
For a daily driver...yeah fine, throw a pcv valve in there. He!!, make it a closed system. Put an air conditioner in there with power steering too.
Me, I'm driving a phuking reproduction of a nasty uncomfortable loud 60s era sumb!tch.
JMHFO...with as much humor as possible.