Wow, I am surprised at the acrid comments. I certainly did not mean to insult or "sucker" anyone into a message they did not want to read.
Sure, I am in the
PR business. But I have been a Shelby fan for many more years that I have been in this biz. I have an AC Mark IV and a '72 Pantera. I've personally known Carroll and many of the Shelby team for over a decade. Gary Patterson and I were close friends way before Shelby opened in Las Vegas. I've raced cars, shown them at cruise nights and skinned my knuckles many a time underneath one. Who can forget the first time they drove a Cobra? I'm a certified car nut.
So no, I am not some pimp as one classless person put it.
We found out at the last minute that Car & Driver radio wanted Amy to come on the show. I was asked to spread the word as quickly as possible. As this is the SAI section of the forum, I just pasted in the quick message. I didn't realize that the message had been entered with that headline until after it posted. Looking back, I should have edited the headline.
I posted the message for one simple reason. Many of you have great stories to share and it was a way to let you talk directly to Amy. The goal was not to sell anything to anyone, as this was a free way to just talk to the president of Shelby Autos.
Scott Black