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Old 07-24-2007, 08:21 PM
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Default Bill

Your making a movie out of a commercial.
The majority CSX 4000 Cars are titled in the year of the motor and according to the MSO issued by Shelby American/Automobiles/whatever as 1965 SHELBY COBRA COMPONENT CARS. It's no secret as they have produced enough of them.
The one in question was singled out for whatever reason.
Even the guy in Virginia said he can register by the year of the car it replicates. That can be an XYZ COBRA so, who cares?
CSX 4027 was at a show in Virginia next to a Classic Roadsters $18,000 garbage can that was registered as a 1965.
So where's the foul?
People reading this thread that work for DMV mafia?
Most states appear to have their laws set up for replica's.
There are certainly enough of them.
I am told that there are over 2000 replicas sold and delivered every month in the US and the number keeps rising. There are known manufacturers with websites and TV shows.

Your kidding me right?
Who are you talkin to?
I don't see ESQ after your name..........Perhaps

Originally Posted by mrmustang

What I posted above is sound advice as perhaps a chain of potential misdeeds being posted to a public forum is not in "your" best interest, especially when you do not know who might be reading it. Your thread, your choice.
Steve Sunshine

"Hurry Up And Live"

Last edited by CSX 4027; 07-24-2007 at 08:29 PM..
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