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Just do not mix the green and orange. if you had green, a serious flush is needed before you add orange. Even then I'd recommend a flush after a few hours of flow. It is the biggest mess to clean when you mix the 2! I bought a car from a dealership once and didn't check the coolant. (my bad!) they had mixed the coolant and the coolant looked like curdled milk! It was freaking disgusting! I had to pull the overflow and pressure wash the inside and break up the big chunks to get it all cleaned out. I'd hate to even know what the inside of the block looked like or even the radiator fo rthat matter. It took about 7 flushed to get it to the point where the water was clear. I had to replace the thermostat, so while I was at it, I did a continuous flush. Just stuck the hose on the overflow and opened the drain in the radiator. What a mess!!! I too have heard to use the orange with aluminum heads. But I have never had an explaination as to why.
just my .02
Bagram AF Afghanistan