Originally Posted by T.L.
So the width of the rear wheel is reduced a little is it?. Can you still run 9 1/2 -10" on there or is that pushing it with clearances for the red tape people?.
Thanks for comments
Sorry, should have explained it better. It's just got to do with how deep the wheel looks. How much rim is sticking out in front of the wheel centre and how much is sticking in. Nothing to do with width. So traditional Cobra look is to have lots of rim sticking outside, with Skyline rear you have what a call a medium amount of rim sticking out, with say a Classic Revival you have very little outside rim. With modern interpretation of Cobras these days, deep dish rims seem to have gone the way of the dodo anyway.
With Harrison you will breeze in 9 1/2 - 10". There have been a few Harrisons fitted with 12 1/2" rims on the rear. From measurements we took from our Harrison with Skyline rear, something like 315/35/17 was the widest tyre we could fit without modification, which is wider than most people want.
This is a Harrison built recently with 335/35/17 tyres.
And has stroked & supercharged LS1(or LS???).