Originally Posted by sshurts
Unless you switch to the Tremec, you'll have to nudge Thomas into making the necessary changes to the clutch fork. At present, I'm the only one using the new fork with a toploader and it required some custom fab work to tweak it. I'm sure the changes are somewhere on Thomas's list, but there is mostly a focus on the Tremec these days.
Scotty...you think I'm worried about a minor detail like that? I ain't switching to no poossy 5 speed. I like to hear the doggone motor every time, all the time. Ricers drive with 5 speeds.
Looky here what Tom made me while talking to me on the phone a few years ago when I was assking (in my typically nice way) how the he!! you get the switch face nuts off without scratching the leather. By the time the call ended, he informed me that while I was blowing hot air, he made me a tool and was shipping it out.
This super-duper thing arrived overnight and is one of my most prized possessions...right up there with the transmission shipping case I've never sent back to Kee (handy thing that)...